How to Wear Round Cotton Shoelaces

I will share with you one secret that I learned from my friends about customizing my shoes: if you want to make your shoes more unique and more like your own, if you want it to become an amazing pair of shoes that will look like no other pair, then you better start getting creative […]

What’s The Difference Between Piping And Cording?

Ask ten different experts the difference between piping and cording and you might get ten different answers. However, you can be sure it does NOT have anything to do with bagpipes or comfortable pants.Piping and cording are the outlines of home decor. They provide a coordinating or contrasting edge along the seams of slip covers, cushions, […]

Parachute cord

Parachute cord (also paracord or 550 cord when referring to type-III paracord) is a lightweight nylon kernmantle rope originally used in the suspension lines of parachutes. This cord is useful for many other tasks and is now used as a general purpose utility cord by both military personnel and civilians. This versatile cord was even […]