Why White Leather Shoelaces are Simple and Powerful

Shoelaces can be made up from different materials, and the most traditional materials used are leather, cotton, hemp, among other things. As with almost anything, there are pros and cons to each one, and it all boils down to a person’s personal preference. And over the years of my collecting shoelaces, I have grown a […]

Gorgeous and Sturdy Neon Yellow Shoelaces

In recent years, neon has been steadily growing as a real popular trend. Some bloggers even went as far as to declare neon as “the new black.” And true enough, neon shades are very attractive and eye-catching. However, the danger is that they could also be overwhelming at times especially when worn in large volumes. […]

Parachute cord

Parachute cord (also paracord or 550 cord when referring to type-III paracord) is a lightweight nylon kernmantle rope originally used in the suspension lines of parachutes. This cord is useful for many other tasks and is now used as a general purpose utility cord by both military personnel and civilians. This versatile cord was even […]